Did you know that at one time the City of Eveleth had a zoo? By today’s standards it may not have been much to look at, but a pair of bears were added to the Eveleth City Zoo, located at the Ely Lake Park, in 1917 because the Army would not allow our soldiers from Company F of the Minnesota National Guard to bring them to camp as the soldiers were being prepared to head overseas to do their part during World War I. "Mascots Were Left Behind"
Eveleth News, 1917 Company F of this city and Company M of Hibbing were forced to leave their mascots, a regimental order forbidding the transportation of any animals as mascots. The orders included all dogs and other animals. The bears presented to the company by Judge William Moylan were turned back to the judge and have been placed at the Ely Lake Park, where they add considerable interest to the city zoo which up to this time had consisted only of a herd of deer.
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