These notes on Eveleth Village Council meetings were compiled in 1947 by journalist and Eveleth native Sally Shea Martin. They offer a fascinating glimpse into life in Eveleth at the end of the 19th century! Material not in quotation marks was paraphrased from the original minutes. 1st meeting of the Village Council--October 25, 1894 President: M. Buskirk (Marvin) Trustee: John Grey Trustee: H. Hookwith (Henry) Trustee: W. H. Shea Recorder: A. S. Erickson Election of above was held on October 18, 1894.... Other elected officers were: Treasurer: S. S. Childers Just. of Peace: John F. Towell Constable: Jerry Sullivan Special meeting Nov. 1, 1894 to appoint a night marshal. Jerry Sullivan was appointed as his bid was the lowest. $30 per month. Nov. 20, 1894—"On motion it was decided to purchase lot 35 in block 12 from the Townsite Co. consideration to be $200 and build a jail on said lot." Nov. 23, 1894—"On motion Trustees Hookwith and Grey were appointed as a committee to build a jail. The President of the Village to act as chairman of said committee." Jan. 12, 1895—Recorder authorized to purchase the following books: 2 finance books; 1 minute book; 1 record book; 1 ordinance book; 500 letterheads, 500 envelopes, 1 letter file, and 2 doz. liquor bonds. Jan. 28, 1895—Grey, Hookwith, & McCormick to act as committee to draw up specifications on sidewalks. Feb. 1, 1895—Ordinance adopted establishing a Board of Health. Feb. 4, 1895—Darms, Grey & McCormick appointed as a Board of Health to serve for one year. Recorder's compensation set $2.50 per meeting. Feb. 18, 1895—"On motion Darms and 2nd of McCormick it was decided to publish the proceedings of the regular meetings in the Eveleth Star at the legal rate." Feb. 22, 1895—"On motion the recorder was instructed to issue and order in favor of Duluth Mining & Investment Co. for $10.00 as first payment on sum of $200 on village lot for Jail to secure contract for same." Mar. 4, 1895—"Resolved that whereas majority of property in Blocks 13 and 14 facing Jones Street having duly petitioned this council to construct sidewalks along such street, that we the Village grant said petitions." Mar. 19, 1895—Marvin Van Buskirk appointed street comm. at $2.00 per day when acting in such capacity. Apr. 1, 1895—"Committee on sidewalks reported having let contract to lay sidewalks along Jones Street on blocks 13 & 14 to Chas. Saul for $225." Apr. 22, 1895—"Resolved that we the Village Council proceed to establish a water system for the Village and that 5,000 dollars be raised to construct said system. ... Resolved that we the Village Council appoint H. L. Darms as Gen'l Overseer to superintend the construction of water system at a compensation for $100 per month and actual expenses to be paid from Gen'l Fund." Apr. 29, 1895—"Be it resolved that we the Village Council do hereby appropriate from the Gen'l Fund towards construction of water system $00 [sic.] May 1st, $700 June 1st, $800 July 1st in all total $2,000. Further that we vote an additional $3,000 to complete the said system of water works to be raised by bonding the Village." Special election called for above on May 18th. May 13, 1895—Petition signed by property owners on Jones St. "That the East 120 ft. of Jones St. located between blocks 10 & 11 be condemned as street and derealed [sic.] to Townsite Co. for a site of a good first class hotel bldg. to be constructed at once." June 3rd, 1895—Kimberly Ave. property owners petitioned for a sidewalk along the west side of Kimberly Ave. from the corner of Jones St. running north one block. Petition granted. June 3, 1895—"Be it resolved that we, the Village Council, of the Village of Eveleth do hereby approve of the organization of a Volunteer Fire Company of 15 members. The firemen to receive a compensation of $1 each call for the first hour and 50 cents an hour for each additional hour." Aug. 20, 1895—J. F. Dahl retained as Village attorney at a compensation of $25 per month. Oct. 21, 1895—O. D. Kinney offered to put up and maintain 6 arc electric lights on the streets in the village, the electric current to be transmitted from the plant at Virginia at a cost of $69 per month for five years.—proposition rejected because Village does not believe in giving any franchises where it would be possible for the Village to own & operate profitable—spec. election necessary—people unfavorable—long distance service would not give satisfaction. Nov. 18, 1895—351 ft. of sewer constructed at cost of $156.05. Dec. 16, 1895—Specifications for a Village Hall and Hose Cart room were presented by Darms. Mar. 16, 1896—The Hustler & Mountain Iron Monitor to be official paper. Aug. 20, 1896—"A petition for the abolishment of the nuisance caused by piling merchandise on sidewalk opposite Sletten Bros. & Talboys Store was received and on motion the Marshal was instructed to see that sidewalk was kept clear."
Oct. 2, 1896—Frank McCormack completed contract—[electric light] plant in running order and satisfactory. Feb. 3, 1897—"Be it resolved that at the next annual election to be held Tuesday, May 9, 1897 a vote be taken and made if said village shall be made a separate assessment and election district and separate from the township of Missabe Mountain, St. Louis Co., Minn. in which said village is situated." July 7, 1897—Application made by council for a loan of $2,000 for extending water works system. Adopted. Sep. 6, 1897—"Motion prevailed that a carpenter be employed to repair and finish up the second story of the Village Hall; by using common boards, building paper & ceiling for the side walls only overhead and putting in such glass as found necessary." Eveleth Power & Light granted permission to wire Village Hall for $1.00 per night for 18 16 candle power lights when same are used. Parties using Hall shall pay $1.00 for lights in addition to usual rental. Sep. 27, 1897—Contract of Eveleth Light & Power approved—to move the Water Works Plant from its present location to the proposed new site on lot 1 & 2 of block 3, erect bldg., boiler, etc. for $630.00. Lots purchased from A. P. Gross by village $300. Nov. 16, 1897—Jesmore Livery bill of $3.00 for "rigs" allowed. Feb. 4, 1898—The sum of $300 appropriated out of Gen'l Funds for a Public Cemetery to apply to the purchase of grounds, etc. Mar. 21, 1898—E. F. Reamer, P. E. Dowling, J. C. Poole committee for Cemetery to confer with like com. from Fayal & Sparta. Apr. 7, 1898—Special meeting called to consider Mr. Adams' proposition to vacate certain streets and alleys. "Letter from D. T. Adams read and discussed informally and the following resolution adopted: 'That Mr. Adams, or a representation of the mining company, be asked to come to Eveleth and talk with the citizens, then the council will assist in calling a mass meeting of the property owners and business men; and that it is favorable and willing to assist the company in any way satisfactorily to all concerned.'" Apr. 18, 1898—T. D. Sullivan appointed Fire Warden. May 9, 1898—"Moved and supported that Jerry Sullivan be employed at $40.00 per month to look after dog tax and scavenger work." July 1, 1898—"A petition was read from the residents along south Carrie Ave. asking an extension of the water mains. It was agreed that if the parties signing the petition would sign a contract and pay for water for one year in advance that the village would put in the mains as prayed." Aug. 1, 1898—J. C. McGilvery appointed Justice of the Peace. Sep. 6, 1898—Rubber coats and hats ordered for the fire dept. Nov. 1, 1898—"Called meeting of the Village Council for the purpose of considering the proposition of F. C. Talboys to construct and maintain a telephone system into the village of Ev.... the said F. C. Talboys [is] hereby granted the privilege for the term of ten years of erecting and maintaining poles on any and all streets of the Vil. of Ev. and of placing and maintaining wires thereon within the limits of the Village necessary to the operating of a telephone system...Vil. of Ev. agrees to hire from Talboys the use of one telephone for the term of five years paying the annual rental of $60 payable each year in advance. Feb. 6, 1899--$35.25 for sleigh for Fire Dept. Mar. 20, 1899—"Resolved that the salary of the Engineer of the Water Works shall be the sum of $60 per month. And further be it resolved that he shall not perform any labor for any private person or persons between the hours of 6:30 A.M. & 6:30 P.M. and shall not be absent from the pump house for more than 20 minutes at one time except for the purpose of repairing pipe or hydrants for the village." Eveleth Star to be paid $100 for the year, to be paid quarterly for official proceedings. Apr. 3, 1899—"The recorder instructed to order one 36 ft extension ladder for Fire Department." "Resolved that the Recorder be and are hereby directed to correspond with some attorney firm in regard to moving the Village and procure a written opinion and place same before the Village Council as soon is practicable." Apr. 17, 1899—John Finley repairing Fire Alarm Wires $6.00. "The Recorder instructed to have motion printed and posted forbidding riding of bicycles on sidewalks." May 4, 1899—"David T. Adams appeared in behalf of the Original Owners of the Town site and moving proposition were discussed for some time being." May 17, 1899—Special Meeting called for the purpose of acting on a proposed ordinance relating to the moving of bldgs.. on and over the streets and alleys of the Village of Eveleth. Ordinance #21 passed May 17, 1899. July 31, 1899—"Resolved that the Water Works Committee shall have immediate charge of erecting the new water plant and proceed to have same built at once and purchase what ever is necessary for the building of said Water Works." T. E. Dorr: 3 more bldgs. to move.
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